Flippin' the Switch
Flippin' the Switch is the monthly podcast of Jones-Onslow EMC, an electric cooperative located in southeastern North Carolina. Listeners can learn more about JOEMC's community programs and involvement, get quick and easy energy tips that'll save them money around the home, and hear how the co-op is using the latest in technologies to assist in providing the best customer experience possible.
Flippin' the Switch
Episode Four - DIY Projects to Improve Energy Efficiency, #WhoPowersYou Contest, and Portable Generator Safety
Jones-Onslow EMC
Season 1
Episode 4
Run Time:
33 minutes
Topics discussed in this episode:
We sit down with the co-op's energy efficiency guru, Charles Westmoreland, and talk about a few weekend DIY projects you can do to make your home more energy-efficient. We talk with Touchstone Energy's Mary Ann Cristiano about the #WhoPowersYou Contest that recognizes our community's unsung heroes and the final guest on the podcast is JOEMC's Safety Director, Chris Banks, who joins the show to talk portable generator safety.